Home Menu Configuration

1. Home Menu Configuration

  • A.This screen allows you to select menus to appear as shortcuts on the top Home.
  • B.After checking the menus frequently used by each user and pressing save, the selected menus will be displayed at the bottom of the Home tab.

User Password Change

1. User Password Change

  • A.You can change the password for the currently logged-in ID.

    1. ⅰ )Current password: Enter the password currently in use.
    2. ⅱ )New password: Enter the new password to change.
    3. ⅲ )Confirm new password: Re-enter the new password to confirm.
  • B.For safe use, we recommend changing your password periodically.

User Management

  • -The user management screen is only accessible with an ADMIN account.
  • -You can add and delete users, check brief information about users, and grant menu access permissions for each user.

1. New User Registration

  • A.When adding a new user in the CS program, enter the employee number, name, contact details, the ID and password for login, the affiliated center, and country code, then press the save button.

  • B.If an affiliated center is entered, only the member information belonging to the entered center can be viewed and modified. If you want to grant full rights to all members registered in the CS program, you can leave it blank.

  • C.If a country code is entered, only the member information belonging to the entered country can be viewed and modified. If you want to grant full rights to all members registered in the CS program, you can leave it blank. Additionally, if global development has not been done, this field might be absent.

  • D.After entering the information, you can set the items the new user can access from the menu list at the bottom.

  • E.In the additional permissions section, you can set whether the user can convert Excel files, view social security numbers, and view the main screen charts.

2. User Information Modification

  • A.By double-clicking on a user already registered in the list on the left, the user's registration information and usage permissions will be displayed on the right.

  • B.After adding or deleting information or permissions, pressing save at the top will update the user's information.

User Access Log

1. User Access Log

  • A.You can view the details of users who have accessed the CS program. By entering desired conditions such as period and user ID, you can query the user ID, login time, logout time, and IP.

  • B.You can check the records that have been converted to Excel and downloaded or saved within the program history.