Commission Closure

1. Commission Closure

  • A.The naming and number of closures vary according to each company's marketing.
  • B.The method for closing all types of commissions is the same.
  • C.When executing a closure, the start date of the closure period is automatically entered as the first sale date if it is the initial closure, or the day after the last closure date if there have been previous closures.
  • D.Depending on the closure period such as daily, weekly, periodically, or monthly, you can double-click the end date in the unclosed date section on the right, check the payment date, and click execute closure to proceed with the closure.
  • E.If there is a predetermined payment date, it can be automatically entered.

Closure Cancellation

1. Closure Cancellation

  • A.The method for canceling the closure for all types of commissions is the same.
  • B.Since closure cancellations must be performed in reverse order starting from the last closure, the last closure details are displayed, and clicking the closure cancellation button at the bottom cancels the closure.

Closure Summary

1. Closure Summary

  • A.This is a screen where you can view detailed information per closure after a closure has been executed.
  • B.In the left table, you can see the total commission per type of commission currently viewed, information about the rank and age of members who received the commission, information about the center and gender of members who received the commission, and their region and payment month.
  • C.In the central table, you can check the overall data of the closure, including closure dates, payment dates, amount of commission per type, and payout rate.
  • D.In the right table, if a closure is selected by double-clicking in the central table, you can check the information of the recipients for that closure. In the right table, rank, age, center, gender, region, and payment month are displayed by double-clicking and show only the members' information for the selected closure. (Refer to item 2 for full data.)

Member-Specific Closure

1. Member-Specific Closure

  • A.You can check the commission details for each member. After entering the search conditions in the central table, you can check the commission details per closure for members and see details about the commissions.
  • B.Double-clicking a searched member in the central bottom will reveal from which member the commission originated, how much sales were generated from the left and right sponsors during the searched period, and other details. Commissions that are not generated from specific individuals but are sourced from the company's overall sales are not displayed.

Sales PV Recognition

1. Sales PV Recognition

  • A.This feature allows you to register recognized sales. It is used when PV needs to be recognized for members not because of the company's standard PV payment rules but due to internal company circumstances or other reasons.
  • B.Search for the member in the left table to whom the sales will be applied, enter the application date and the PV value to be applied, and press save to apply. The entered application date must be included in the closure to properly reflect the PV.
  • C.If searched in the right table, you can review the information about the recognized sales entered.
  • D.To change the entered information, after retrieving it in the right table and double-clicking to load the information on the left, modify the information in the left table and save to apply the changes; clicking delete at the top will remove the entered sales recognition.

Rank Recognition

1. Rank Recognition

  • A.This feature allows you to register recognized ranks. It is used when a member's rank needs to be recognized not because of company promotion rules but due to internal company circumstances or other reasons.
  • B.Search for the member in the left table to whom the rank will be applied, enter the application date and the rank to be applied, and press save to apply. The entered application date must be included in the closure to properly execute the promotion.
  • C.If searched in the right table, you can review the information about the recognized rank entered.
  • D.To change the entered information, after retrieving it in the right table and double-clicking to load the information on the left, modify the information in the left table and save to apply the changes; clicking delete at the top will remove the entered rank recognition.

Grade Recognition

1. Grade Recognition

  • A.This feature allows you to register recognized grades. It is used when a member's grade needs to be recognized not because of company promotion rules but due to internal company circumstances or other reasons.
  • B.Search for the member in the left table to whom the grade will be applied, enter the application date and the grade to be applied, and press save to apply. The entered application date must be included in the closure to properly execute the promotion.
  • C.If searched in the right table, you can review the information about the recognized grade entered.
  • D.To change the entered information, after retrieving it in the right table and double-clicking to load the information on the left, modify the information in the left table and save to apply the changes; clicking delete at the top will remove the entered rank recognition.

Downline Sales Recognition

1. Downline Sales Recognition

  • A.This feature allows for the registration of recognized downline sales. It is used when company regulations do not dictate the payment of left and right PV, but due to internal company circumstances or other reasons, a member's left and right PV need to be recognized.
  • B.Search for the member in the left table to whom the sales will be applied, enter the application date, position to apply, and the PV value, then click save to apply. The entered application date must be included in the closure to properly reflect the PV.
  • C.In the right table, you can check the information about the recognized sales entered.
  • D.To change the entered information, after retrieving it in the right table and double-clicking to load the information on the left, modify the information in the left table and save to apply the changes; clicking delete at the top will remove the entered sales recognition.

Miscellaneous Compensation

1. Miscellaneous Compensation

  • A.This feature allows you to enter specific additional compensations for a member. It is used when additional compensation needs to be paid to a member not because of standard company compensation rules but due to internal company circumstances or other reasons.
  • B.Search for the member in the left table to whom the compensation will be applied, enter the application date and the amount of compensation to apply, and press save to apply. The entered application date must be included in the closure for the compensation to be correctly paid.
  • C.In the right table, you can check the information about the miscellaneous compensation entered.
  • D.To change the entered information, after retrieving it in the right table and double-clicking to load the information on the left, modify the information in the left table and save to apply the changes; clicking delete at the top will remove the entered miscellaneous compensation.

Member-Specific Compensation Summary

1. Member-Specific Compensation Summary

  • A.The Member-Specific Compensation Summary screen aggregates all compensation details for each member. It can be used for preparing documents for submission to the deduction cooperative and during compensation payments.
  • B.If you press search without specifying search options and only set the period, it aggregates all compensations that have been paid or will be paid based on the closure details for each member to date.
  • C.It displays the compensation details for all closures.

Return Compensation Deduction Status

1. Return Compensation Deduction Status

  • A.This screen allows you to check if there are any deductions in compensation due to returns.
  • B.After setting conditions and searching, return deduction information is displayed. You can check which closure the return occurred in, deduction member information, return member information, return order number information, the amount to be deducted, the amount already deducted, and the remaining amount to be deducted.
  • C.Double-clicking the searched information will display detailed information in the right table.

Closure Process Log Status

1. Closure Process Log Status

  • A.You can view records of closures that have been processed.
  • B.After entering search criteria and clicking search, you can view details such as closure type, process type, period of closure, the employee ID who processed the closure, and the time of closure processing.