Sales Registration and Modification

1. Sales Registration and Modification

  • A.You can enter personal information of a member to register and modify sales, and you can check the sales history of that member.
  • B.Sales type and date, selection of sales center

    1. ⅰ )Enter the member number or name of the selling member, and select the sales type, date, and sales center.
  • C.Product selection

    1. ⅰ )Enter the product code you wish to sell or press the enter key on the keyboard to search for the product code you wish to sell.
    2. ⅱ )After selecting the sales product through the product code, enter the quantity and remarks to register.
    3. ⅲ )For minimum and quantity modification, you can double-click on the product to cancel it or change the product quantity. When changing, click "Save Product Information Change" to save the details.
    4. ⅳ )After entering all, check the sales date, sales type, sales center, and product details, press add, and then press save (F1) to save.
  • D.Payment Input

    1. ⅰ )After saving the product details, check the amount paid in the payment details, select the payment method from the list such as card/cash/non-bank account, etc., enter additional information, and then click the add button to input the payment details.
    1. ⅱ )If the payment method involves more than one type, such as a composite payment, input each payment method separately and add them.
    2. ⅲ )For cash and non-bank payments, enter the cash amount, press the add button, then input the non-bank details and press the add button again to process the composite payment, and press save (F1) to save.
  • E.Shipping Information Registration

    1. ⅰ )Click to select the shipping type, then enter the shipping details including the shipping date and tracking number, and click save (F1) to save.
    2. ⅱ )For the shipping address, you can "Load Member Address" or use "Past Shipping Information" to enter the saved address.
    3. ⅲ )If the shipping address is modified, you can edit the details in "Sales Shipping Information" and click "Save Shipping Information Changes" to modify.
  • F.Sales Modification

    1. ⅰ )i. When modifying sales, search for a member and double-click on the sales information to load the details of that sales transaction.
    2. ⅱ )ii. Loaded product information, payment details, and shipping information can be modified by double-clicking on each detail.

Sales Cancellation/Deletion

1. Sales Cancellation/Deletion

  • A.After entering the period and member information, you can check all or select specific entries to cancel or delete sales records. However, deletion is not possible in the deduction cooperative program.
  • B.If only the period is entered for search, all sales transactions for that period will be displayed, and if both the period and member information are fully entered, only the records of that member will be displayed.
  • C.The delete function is not for returns but for deleting sales records; returns must be handled through the return registration process.
  • C.Cancellation does not allow deletion.

Batch Change of Sales Center

1. Batch Change of Sales Center

  • A.You can change the sales center of past sales records.
  • B.Search for a member using member information, select the sales records to be changed, enter the new center in the change center, and click "Batch Change of Checked Details" to save.
  • C.When selecting the change center, pressing enter will display all registered centers for selection.

Sales Status

1. Sales Status

  • A.This is the screen to view the sales product details. You can use search conditions to find the necessary sales details.
  • B.If searched without special conditions, you can view all sales that have occurred within the company.
  • C.Double-clicking on the product details will navigate to the sales registration/modification screen where detailed information can be checked and modified.
  • D.You can check aggregated details by product, rank, center, etc.

Sales Product Status

1. Sales Product Status

  • A.This is an additional screen for querying sales product details. You can check the necessary sales details using search conditions.
  • B.Double-clicking on the sales details will take you to the "Sales Registration/Modification" where you can check and modify detailed information.
  • C.On the left, you can check aggregated details by product, rank, center, etc.

Sales Payment Status

1. Sales Payment Status

  • A.This is a screen where you can check details of cash/non-bank and card payment transactions.
  • B.If you query without entering conditions, you can view all payment details.
  • C.You can check the details of payments made under specific conditions through the payment division condition.
  • D.Double-clicking on the sales details will navigate you to the "Sales Registration/Modification" page where you can check and modify detailed information.
  • E.On the left, you can check aggregated details by rank, center, monthly sales, etc.

Detailed Sales Status

1. Detailed Sales Status

  • A.This is an additional screen for querying sales product details. You can check the necessary sales details using search conditions.
  • B.You can differentiate and query the sales records, and check whether subtotals are included.
  • C.Double-clicking will take you to the sales registration/modification for that product where you can check and modify detailed information.
  • D.On the left, you can check aggregated details by product, rank, center, etc.

Sales Change Status

1. Sales Change Status

  • A.You can search for sales records that have been changed. You can check the desired records using search conditions.
  • B.If you query without entering conditions, you can view all change records.
  • C.Double-clicking on the change details allows you to check the main change details and detailed change details below.

Deleted Sales Status

1. Deleted Sales Status

  • A.You can search for deleted sales records. You can check the desired records using search conditions.
  • B.If you query without entering conditions, you can view all deletion records.
  • C.For a more detailed query of sales records, double-click on the sales record to view the product status and other detailed information on the right.

Sales Approval

1. Sales Approval

  • A.This function approves sales linked to shopping malls and external input information.
  • B.You can search by approval status, and use search conditions to search only the necessary details.
  • C.For approval methods, after querying unapproved details, select the products whose payment has been confirmed, check the approval date, and click "Batch Sales Approval on Checked Details" to ensure sales are approved properly.
  • D.Upon approval, the approval date will be recorded as the sales date.
  • E.On the left, you can check aggregated details by product, rank, center, etc.

Sales Approval Cancellation

1. Sales Approval Cancellation

  • A.To cancel a product approved through a non-bank transfer, select and query the approval details, select the product to be canceled, and use the "Apply Checked Details" button to cancel the approval.

Unapproved Sales Deletion

1. Unapproved Sales Deletion

  • A.To delete unapproved product details through a non-bank transfer, select and query the details, then select the product to be deleted and proceed with deletion.