Downline Sales Status

1. Downline Sales Status

  • A.You can aggregate and view the downline sales records of a specific member.
  • B.Enter member information to search and then double-click the line-specific sales details to view the sales records for that line.
  • C.For a more detailed inquiry, double-click the entry you want to inspect in the sales records to view the details below.

Member-Specific Sponsor Downline Sales Status

1. Member-Specific Sponsor Downline Sales Status

  • A.This screen allows you to check the performance status of each member's subordinates.
  • B.By specifying the sales date and type, you can query the performance status of all members' subordinates.
  • C.Double-clicking on a member allows you to see the total sales records, sales product status, and other statuses.
  • D.When querying the sales product status and detailed content of the sales records, double-clicking on the sales details will display the detailed information on the right.

Member Aggregate Status

1. Member Aggregate Status

  • A.This screen allows you to query the registration status of members by center, enrollment month, rank, region, age, and gender.
  • B.After searching for the period by registration date or record date, double-click the condition value you desire, and you can view the registration information for that condition on the right.

Member Rank-specific Status

1. Member Rank-specific Status

  • A.This page allows you to view the registration status of members by rank, including by center, enrollment month, region, age, and gender.
  • B.After specifying the registration or record date, double-click the searched rank, then double-click the condition value you want to see the values for that condition on the right.

Member Center-specific Status

1. Member Center-specific Status

  • A.This page allows you to view the registration status of members by center, including by rank, enrollment month, age, region, and gender.
  • B.After specifying the registration or record date, double-click the searched center, then double-click the condition value you want to see the values for that condition on the right.

Member Monthly Enrollment Status

1. Member Monthly Enrollment Status

  • A.This page allows you to view member registration status based on the month of enrollment, categorized by center, rank, region, age, and gender.
  • B.After specifying the enrollment date or record date, double-click the searched enrollment month and then double-click the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.

Member Regional Status

1. Member Regional Status

  • A.This page allows you to view member registration status by region, also categorized by center, rank, enrollment month, age, and gender.
  • B.After specifying the enrollment date or record date, double-click the searched region and then double-click the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.

Member Age-specific Status

1. Member Age-specific Status

  • A.This page allows you to view member registration status by age, also categorized by center, rank, enrollment month, region, and gender.
  • B.After specifying the enrollment date or record date, double-click the searched age group and then double-click the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.

Sales Aggregate Status

1. Sales Aggregate Status

  • A.This screen allows you to view sales registration status categorized by center, gender, rank, sales month, age, region, product, and payment type.
  • B.By searching based on the sales date and double-clicking on a condition value, you can view the sales information for that condition.

Sales by Rank Status

1. Sales by Rank Status

  • A.This page allows you to view sales registration status based on rank, also categorized by center, sales month, gender, age, region, product, and payment type.
  • B.After specifying the sales date, double-click the searched rank and then click again on the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.

Sales by Center Status

1. Sales by Center Status

  • A.This page allows you to view sales registration status based on center, also categorized by rank, sales month, gender, age, region, product, and payment type.
  • B.After specifying the sales date, double-click the searched center and then click again on the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.

Sales by Month Status

1. Sales by Month Status

  • A.This page allows for the viewing of sales registration status by sales month, categorized by center, rank, gender, age, region, product, and payment type.
  • B.After specifying the sales date, double-click the searched sales month, then click again on the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.

Sales by Region Status

1. Sales by Region Status

  • A.This page allows for the viewing of sales registration status by region, categorized by center, rank, gender, sales month, age, product, and payment type.
  • B.After specifying the sales date, double-click the searched region, then click again on the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.

Sales by Age Status

1. Sales by Age Status

  • A.This page allows for the viewing of sales registration status by age, categorized by center, rank, gender, sales month, region, product, and payment type.
  • B.After specifying the sales date, double-click the searched age group, then click again on the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.

Sales by Product Status

1. Sales by Product Status

  • A.This page allows for the viewing of sales registration status by product, categorized by center, rank, age, region, sales month, and gender.
  • B.After specifying the sales date, double-click the searched product, then click again on the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.

Sales by Payment Type Status

1. Sales by Payment Type Status

  • A.This page allows for the viewing of sales registration status by payment type, categorized by center, rank, age, region, sales month, and gender.
  • B.After specifying the sales date, double-click the searched payment type, then click again on the desired condition value to view the values for that condition on the right.