Bank Management

1. Bank Management

  • A.Bank codes for commercial banks are preset, and you can add or modify them.
  • B.To add a new bank, enter the bank code and bank name on the left, then save.
  • C.To modify an existing bank, double-click the bank in the right table, edit the information loaded on the left, and press the save button to store the modifications.
  • D.If developed as a global version, you can manage banks for each country using country codes.

Card Management

1. Card Management

  • A.The usage is the same as the bank management menu.

Center Management

1. Center Management

  • A.You can register and modify centers by region. Enter an arbitrary branch code (up to 5 characters) and branch information, then click the save button to store the branch information.
  • B.To modify a branch, double-click on the branch in the right table, modify the information loaded on the left, and save.
  • C.Center-related bonuses, such as center manager bonuses, occur only if a center manager is registered. It is unnecessary to enter if there are no center-related bonuses.
  • D.You can download the registered center information to an Excel file by clicking the Excel button in the upper left of the right table.
  • E.In the development of a global version, you can manage centers by country using country codes.

Company Account Management

1. Company Account Management

  • A.You can register the accounts used by the company. Enter the company account information in the blank space on the left, then press the save button at the top to register a new account.
  • B.To modify an existing saved account, double-click on the account, modify the information on the left, and save.
  • C.Registered accounts are displayed to members when paying via non-bank transfer in the shopping mall.
  • D.In the development of a global version, you can manage company accounts by country using country codes.

Supplier Management

1. Supplier Management

  • A.You can register suppliers for products sold by the company.
  • B.Supplier codes can be arbitrarily set to 5 digits.
  • C.To register a new supplier, enter the information on the left screen and click the save button.
  • D.To modify an existing supplier, double-click on the supplier in the right table list, make changes on the left, and save.
  • E.To delete an existing supplier, double-click on the supplier in the right table list and click the delete button.
  • F.In the development of a global version, suppliers can be registered and used by country.

Shipping Destination Management

1. Shipping Destination Management

  • A.You can register and use shipping company codes.
  • B.To add a new shipping company, enter the shipping company's information and click the save button to register.
  • C.To modify an existing shipping company, double-click on the company in the right table, load the information on the left, modify it, and click the save button to update.
  • D.To delete an existing shipping company, double-click on the company in the right table, load the information, and click the delete button to remove it.
  • E.In the development of a global version, you can manage shipping companies by country.

Country Management

1. Country Management

  • A.This menu is only available if the global version is developed.
  • B.You can manage the countries that will be used in the global version.
  • C.All countries are pre-registered by default. You can manually add countries if necessary.
  • D.To modify an already registered country, double-click on the country in the right table, modify the information loaded on the left, and click save to update.

Product Group Management

1. Product Group Management

  • A.This menu allows you to manage major, medium, and minor classifications.
  • B.You must enter the primary (major) classification first, followed by the secondary (medium) classification, and finally the tertiary (minor) classification.
  • C.To enter, type an arbitrary 3-digit classification code for the primary classification, write the classification name, and save.
  • D.Double-click the primary classification code that the secondary classification will belong to, then enter the classification code and name, and save.
  • E.Double-click the secondary classification code that the tertiary classification will belong to, then enter the classification code and name, and save.
  • F.Deletions can be made individually for primary, secondary, and tertiary classifications, and deleting a primary or secondary classification will also delete the corresponding lower classifications.
  • G.Entered classifications are displayed in the right table and can be saved as an Excel file.

Product Management

1. Product Management

  • A.This is the menu for registering products sold by the company.
  • B.When registering a new product, enter the product code, product name, specifications, and other sales information for the product.
  • C.After entering the consumer price and member price, if you check the taxation box, the supply price and VAT are automatically calculated and displayed.
  • D.To modify a registered product, double-click on the product in the bottom table to load the information above, enter the changes, and if modifying the price, specify a date later than the date of the price change application. The modified price will be effective from midnight of the specified date.
  • E.In the development of a global version, you can handle the display of products by country by specifying a country in the country code.

Set Product Management

1. Set Product Management

  • A.This feature allows you to register existing products under a new set product code and sell multiple products with a single code entry at the time of sales registration.
  • B.Enter the new product code and product name, and the classification to which the set product will belong, then select the products to include in the set.
  • C.To select set composition products, press the enter key on the product to display a list of previously registered individual products, select the products to add to the set, and then set the quantity.
  • D.Clicking the save button at the top registers the new product code, and the set product is added to the product management menu. In the product management menu, double-click the registered set product, set the price and PV, etc., and then save.
  • E.To change the composition of an already registered set product, double-click the set product to be changed in the right table, load the information, modify it, and click the save button to update.