General Stock In

1. General Stock In

  • A.After entering the stock-in location and stocker, select the stock-in products and press save (F1) to process the stock-in.
  • B.If you wish to modify, double-click the product to be modified, make changes on the left, and press save (F1) to save.
  • C.If you want to delete, double-click the product to be deleted, press the delete (F4) button on the left to delete.
  • D.You can also check the stock-in records through period search.

Stock In Inquiry

1. Stock In Inquiry

  • A.You can view the stock-in records. You can use the search options to find the desired records.
  • B.On the left, you can view the stock-in summary details.

Return Stock In

1. Return Stock In

  • A.For registering stock-in related to returns, enter the search period, check the processed return records, select the returned products, enter the stock-in location, stock-in date, and reason for stock-in, then press save to complete the return stock-in process.

Return Stock In Cancellation

1. Return Stock In Cancellation

  • A.Using the top options, search for the stock-in details to be canceled, select them, and press save (F1) to cancel the stock-in details related to returns.

Depletion Shipment

1. Depletion Shipment

  • A.You can manage product shipment records besides sales shipments and inventory transfers.
  • B.Select the shipment date, location, shipper, and shipping target, set the number of items to be shipped, and press save (F1) to process the depletion shipment.
  • C.Clicking on the shipping target allows you to select the shipment target; if the target is a member, enter the member's number and name; if an employee, enter the employee number; if a center, enter the target center.
  • D.You can check the shipment records, and by selecting and entering period/search shipper/product/shipment location, you can view the shipment record details.

Shipment Inquiry

1. Shipment Inquiry

  • A.You can check the details of products that have been shipped. You can search only the necessary information based on options.
  • B.Select the details and click "Print Checked Details Transaction Statement" to print the transaction statement of the checked details.

Sales Shipment

1. Sales Shipment

  • A.Search order details using the search (F1) button and select the shipment details to ship.
  • B.You can search only the necessary parts using options like sale date, member details, and product-specific other options.
  • C.After selecting the details to be registered for shipment, press the "Check Details Shipment" button to complete the shipment registration.

Sales Shipment Cancellation

1. Sales Shipment Cancellation

  • A.You can query and cancel shipped orders based on the required conditions.
  • B.Specify the details to query at the top, set the condition values, and press search to proceed.
  • C.From the queried details, select the orders to be canceled, check them, and press save to cancel the order shipment.

Inventory Transfer Request

1. Inventory Transfer Request

  • A.This function is used when requesting an inventory transfer between centers. Select the products to be transferred, enter the shipping location, requester, receiving location, and remarks, then press save to complete.
  • B.Once saved, the requested transfer cases can be viewed through period search conditions.

Inventory Transfer Confirmation

1. Inventory Transfer Confirmation

  • A.This function allows the final manager to confirm inventory transfer requests between centers.
  • B.Double-click the requested content and enter the confirmation date and quantity to be confirmed in the left items, then press save (F1) to complete the confirmation.
  • C.You can check the saved confirmed transfer details and unconfirmed details through the query button and perform batch confirmation.

Inventory Transfer Status

1. Inventory Transfer Status

  • A.You can view the records of inventory transfers between centers.

Center-Specific Inventory Status

1. Center-Specific Inventory Status

  • A.Enter the search conditions at the top, press search (F1) to check the inventory status by center.

Date-Specific Inventory Status by Center

1. Date-Specific Inventory Status by Center

  • A.After entering the top search conditions (search date, product, center), press the search (F1) button to view the inbound and outbound records of the products corresponding to the searched center.

Product-Specific Inventory Status

1. Product-Specific Inventory Status

  • A.Enter the search conditions at the top and press search (F1) to check the inventory status by product.

Date-Specific Inventory Status by Product

1. Date-Specific Inventory Status by Product

  • A.After entering the top search conditions, press search (F1) to view the daily outbound and total inventory status of the corresponding products.